New Low Cost JET FUEL Technology
by sternh
A Revolutionary Low Cost Aviation Fuel with Massive Production Capacities for J.V.or Partnering
We are a small company with a realistic annual potential of a Billion+ Dollar Business with Systems and Technology and most importantly our experimentation is behind us and only updates are required.
We are also at least 10 years ahead of the "PACK" in inexpensive Powdered Algae Aviation Fuel Technology in the U.S. and worldwide.
To date, unfortunately, billions have already been spent by DOD and private investors to develop high quality algae product with promise of great results, and 5+ years later the public is still waiting for commercial production.
It seems that the key is producing a good Quality Product; Large Enough Quantities to make a difference on a National basis; Inexpensive; Competitive; and sufficiently profitable to make the projects worth pursuing.
So far, less than a handful of exceptional companies have managed to produce limited finished product; at very high cost; and with limited opportunity to be competitive in the near or long term future.
My Question: Do we, as a country, have the luxury of waiting for many of the "Contestants" (many of whom are embracing techniques utilized for more than fifty years throughout the world) for perhaps another ten years without commercial success or with all the hype show limited results?
Our project did take THREE(3+) DECADES to develop, and at great expense. We started experimenting many years before anyone in this country seriously considered mass production for commercial use.
Not one Company, in the USA is at a level that can produce Powdered Aviation Fuel on a commercial level.
Our goal is to concentrate on our updates, conducted by a large Chemical Process Engineering Firm to prepare an EPC package with my assistance and start production within the time frame outlined in the next paragraph.
PLEASE NOTE: We are at the UPDATE stage and no longer EXPERIMENTAL. Most important is that after the second year of start up, we feel confident that our operations will be self sustaining for most expansions throughout the US.
We have the technology and systems to provide as much as 16,000,000 Mil. Pounds with the first project in 15 months and 2 BILLION Pounds by the sixth year.
(dry powdered fuel can be reconstituted into liquid fuel.)
I have contacted DARPA for funding and others relating to potential J.V. to find a partner major corporation that can expand quickly on a international basis, with deep pockets, desire for high profit, and an interest in Powdered Renewable Fuel and in Distribution of valuable food/feed concentrates for pharmaceutical use, worldwide. Sugar Land, Texas